Thursday, September 23, 2010

United States of Poverty

via Real World Economics Blog

-The U.S. poverty rate is now the third worst (above only Turkey and Mexico) among the developed nations tracked by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

-According to one recent survey, 28 percent of all U.S. households have at least one member that is looking for a full-time job.

-1 out of every 5 children in the United States is now living in poverty.

More here.


daphne sy said...

tsk3 sounds bad news. .hope to save America:)


Anonimo said...

These stats are appalling, but not surprising. We are currently going through the biggest transfer of wealth from the lower and middle classes to the wealthy in generations. In terms of education, we will likely see a corresponding decline in student outcomes. Family wealth has an enormous influence on academic achievement. Educators, "reformers" and anyone else concerned with the state of our schools needs to start addressing the issue of poverty.

Jacklewis said...

This is a great post for the student. Well done and good luck with your very great work. Will pop back soon for more read, thanks.....

Unknown said...

When it is broken down into “Why” or “How” these numbers get to the point of extreme, it is devastating but there are multiple pathways that lead our children here. Making the top of this ever so important list would be the mental health of the parent(s) and the interaction between them and their child. Parents who are poor or have been poor are more likely to have poor mental, emotional, and physical health over those from high income homes. Researcher, Rand Conger was able to link depressive parental symptoms to having more conflicts with children using the family stress module. He concluded his research with the indication that poor parental health results in more emotional, social, and cognitive consequences for the children. Not to mention, much less child to parent interaction and a not so stimulating home. A not so stimulating environment is also a direct pathway to effecting a low poverty child’s education. Living in low poverty makes it difficult to provide a home with appropriate material resources adequate to meet the needs of children. In the younger years of education this can be crucial for cognitive development, and is considered a top cause for low success rates in low income children and their education. Along with this, the neighborhoods in which low income families are limited to live in usually lack needed resources and produce unwanted conditions and consequences. Low income neighborhoods and areas are plagued with high rates of unemployment, crime, and violence, all of which are not needed for children who are already besieged. Another just as important pathway to effecting a low income child’s education is the quality of the child care and schooling that child receives. Typically, low income families live in low income neighborhoods which have low income schools which does nothing to help change the end result for these children. Therefore, low income schools put out low test scores and receive less government, state, and federal financial help. Without a major reform America will never break this devastating cyle!