MillerComm Lecture by David Blacker
Monday, September 29, 2014
David Blacker (University of Delaware) is author of The Falling Rate of Learning and the Neoliberal Endgame.
Universal education is beloved as an ideal while its reality is being extinguished. Heralded as expansions of access where we “race to the top” and “leave no child behind,” initiatives involving marketization, austerity, privatization and student debt combine to eliminate and expel growing segments of the rising generation. Why is this happening? And why now? David J. Blacker outlines a coherent framework for understanding the current onslaught against all levels of public education. It all comes down to deep and troubling changes in the economy that “education reform” cannot touch and that nobody wants to talk about.
This event is co-sponsored by the Forum on the Future of Public Education